Green Tea & Green Tea Extract Weight Loss Benefits

Weight Loss Benefits of Green Tea And Green Tea Extract

Green tea, or Camellia sinensis, is available today in almost every country in the world and can be purchased at both health-food stores and local grocery shops. Green tea and green tea extract come from a leafy plant with a few potent ingredients: caffeine and four types of catechins—the most important being Epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG. [message type=”info”]EGCG plays an important role in muscle contraction, and it also increases the amount of energy released into the blood stream.[/message] The energy is released by the breakdown of fat cells, which consequently helps with weight loss.

Can green tea help with weight loss?

Green tea is a natural and effective supplement that can help one get rid of excess weight and steer them towards a healthier lifestyle. The Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in green tea is a fat-burning ingredient. With obesity on the rise, any healthy and effective weight loss supplement is appreciated.

How does green tea help with weight loss?

[message type=”success”]Green tea, or more accurately the EGCG in the tea, increases metabolism, burns calories and prevents the absorption of carbohydrates that one may ingest during the day. [/message]Because the body can’t store extra carbs, most of it exits the body. Fat burning starts effectively at 400 mg of EGCG, which is approximately 8 cups of coffee.

What are the health benefits of green tea?

There are a number of health benefits to drinking green tea on a regular basis. Green tea can help improve hormonal levels, increase one’s overall well-being, and can also prevent:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Esophageal cancer
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
  • Tooth decay
  • High blood pressure

Green Tea Extract and Green Tea Extract Pills

Green tea extract is simply an herbal derivative of green tea leaves. A great benefit of this form of green tea is that it contains 25-50% more anti-oxidants. Green tea extract is usually placed in hot water and consumed as a liquid. A slight drawback of consuming green tea this way is that it may be a tad bit time-consuming. However, if you are on the go and do not have an extra 5 minutes to prepare your tea, you can opt for the pill. [message type=”info”]Green tea extract pills are widely available and are a great alternative to those who dislike the green tea taste.[/message] A downside of the pill is that the body is more likely to absorb the nutrients in a liquid form. It is still an effective option nonetheless, allowing the body to benefit from green tea’s manifold health-improving properties.


Green tea is an antioxidant, fat burner, carbohydrate blocker and energy booster that can easily improve one’s health in a matter of weeks. According to studies, regular consumption of green tea has also proven to diminish one’s chances of contracting various diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and, of course, it can help with weight loss. Today, doctors all over the world suggest green tea as a natural dietary supplement, and one that can help address obesity.